The Duke Office of Research Initiatives (DORI) is an institutional office dedicated to facilitating effective research and collaborations across the Duke research community. Our services include project management support and educational programming to help researchers navigate the complexities of conducting research at Duke. Additionally, we play a key role in supporting the implementation of the Office for Research and Innovation's strategic priorities.

Research Project Management Core

The Research Project Management Core (RPMC) offers flexible, effort-based project management support for non-clinical research projects across diverse disciplines, providing expertise in areas such as regulatory compliance, proposal support, program management, and event coordination.

Seminars and Workshops

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DORI organizes seminars, workshops, and educational programs to guide researchers in navigating essential processes, adopting best practices, and accessing resources to facilitate their research endeavors.

Previous Programming

Contact DORI

Emai for questions about DORI's programs and services

Our Team

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