Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources and Training
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion resources, workshops, and trainings are available for all members of the Duke community, including postdocs, faculty, staff, and students. Postdocs can learn from the reading and media lists, and take action by attending trainings, and/or arranging departmental or group trainings in their home department or research group.
If you have a concern about discrimination or harassment, please Report the Incident.
If you have a concern about research misconduct, please Report the Incident.
If you want to understand the options and processes for reporting harassment, discrimination, and other concerns, please use the Interactive Guide for Postdocs.
- Resources for Understanding and Confronting Racism and Its Impact from the Duke Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
- Training, Workshops, and Educational Sessions from the Duke Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
- Resources from the Duke Racial Equity Advisory Council
- Resources from the Duke Office for Faculty Advancement
- Duke P.R.I.D.E (Pursuing Respect, Inclusion/Intersectionality, Diversity, and Equity) Training: Trans 101, Asexuality 101, Pronouns Workshop from the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, and a List of Duke University Identity and Cultural Centers.
- Trainings from the Duke Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture
- Anti-racism and Black Liberation Resources from Duke Libraries
- Events and Trainings from Duke Disability Management
- Education & Outreach from the Duke Women's Center
- Intercultural Trainings and Workshops from the Duke International Student Center
- Trainings from the Duke Center for Multicultural Affairs
- Scientists Promoting Equity and Knowledge (SPEAK) from the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS)
- Mentoring and Communication Series from the Duke Office of Postdoctoral Services and Duke Graduate School
- Duke School of Medicine Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Advancement, and Leadership in the Sciences (IDEALS) Office
- Resources for Inclusive Communications from Duke Communicators Diversity Action Alliance
Office of Postdoctoral Services - Resources