The Duke Office of Postdoctoral Services provides annually updated statistics on our postdoc population. Information is provided in three key areas:

  1. Demographics of current postdocs (gender, race and ethnicity, and citizenship status)
  2. Time in postdoctoral training
  3. Career outcomes for postdoctoral appointees (coming soon for Humanities, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences)
    • All career outcome percentages are reported from the total number of postdocs. For example, the percentage of tenured/tenure track faculty is reported from the total number of postdocs, not just from those who remained in academia.
    • If the school/department/unit did not have postdoctoral appointees during the selected time period, then no data will be shown.
    • Demographics, Time in Postdoctoral Training, and Career Outcomes specific to the Life Sciences are presented on the Statistics for the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science page.


URM (Underrepresented Minority): US citizens and permanent residents who are African American/Black; American Indian/Alaskan Native; Hispanic; Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander; or multiracial, when at least one of the preceding URM categories has been indicated.

URM status is only calculated for postdocs who are US citizens and permanent residents (USPR).

International: A person who is not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States.

USPR: US citizens and permanent residents.