The Duke Office of Postdoctoral Services provides annually updated statistics on our postdoc population. Information is provided in three key areas:

  1. Demographics of current postdocs (gender, race and ethnicity, and citizenship status)
  2. Time in postdoctoral training
  3. Career outcomes for postdoctoral appointees, including those in the Humanities and Social Sciences
    • All career outcome percentages are reported from the total number of postdocs. For example, the percentage of tenured/tenure track faculty is reported from the total number of postdocs, not just from those who remained in academia.
    • If the school/department/unit did not have postdoctoral appointees during the selected time period, then no data will be shown.
    • Demographics, Time in Postdoctoral Training, and Career Outcomes specific to STEM fields are presented on the Statistics for the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science page.


URM (Underrepresented Minority): US citizens and permanent residents who are African American/Black; American Indian/Alaskan Native; Hispanic; Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander; or multiracial, when at least one of the preceding URM categories has been indicated.

URM status is only calculated for postdocs who are US citizens and permanent residents (USPR).

International: A person who is not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States.

USPR: US citizens and permanent residents.