This page, which provides information about the Campus IRB's transition to iRIS, will be regularly updated.
Last updated on May 6, 2024
Key Information
The Office for Research and Innovation (OR&I) will be transitioning the Campus IRB to a new web-based submission system, iRIS, for Campus IRB protocols. The software will be managed by the Office of Academic Solutions and Information Systems (OASIS), which currently manages iRIS software for Duke Health.
The move to iRIS will:
- allow OR&I to comply with growing and fast-changing federal regulations around research activities at universities like Duke,
- connect Campus IRB protocols to the larger system of record-keeping used by the offices that comprise the Campus Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), including the Privacy Office, the IT Security Office (ITSO), Export Controls, Grants/Contracts (ORS), and others, and
- use resources Duke has already invested in. Duke contracted with iMedRIS (now Cayuse) and implemented the iRIS software for Duke Health protocols in 2018.
When will the transition happen?
The transition to the new iRIS system will take several months. The official “go live” date is not yet set, but we expect it will be in 2025. OR&I will post updates here and send targeted email updates to Campus researchers as soon as possible.
What will be different?
In the past, researchers and Campus IRB used Microsoft Word documents (submitted to the Campus IRB via email) to manage protocol submissions. Once transitioned to iRIS, the plan is to have protocol applications, amendments, and other IRB-related forms completed and reviewed on the iRIS platform.
What will remain the same?
Campus IRB staff will still be available for consultations, determining the need for IRB review, helping researchers with protocol development, and pre-reviewing protocol submissions.
For most researchers, the main risk associated with this transition is that it will take a little time to adjust to the new online system. As with any change, some researchers may find the transition to an online system unwelcome or frustrating, and some may find that the process takes longer than filling out the application in Word.
The Campus IRB, with the support of OR&I, will work to minimize these risks by providing several forms of support, including:
- staff to assist researchers as they use iRIS,
- “tip sheets” for common actions in the system, and
- optional training opportunities and workshops.
We hope that many researchers will find iRIS useful for:
- quickly locating the final or “institutionally-approved” copy of a research protocol and related components (consent forms, study documents, etc),
- determining where a protocol application is in the review process, and how long it has been there (akin to academic journal manuscript submission systems that report the status of a manuscript with time stamps), and
- listing active protocols and identifying submissions that require action from the researcher.
Unfortunately, this transition is not voluntary. After the system goes live, Campus researchers will be required to use iRIS to manage IRB submissions. Campus IRB staff will still be happy to answer questions via email, phone, Zoom, or in-person, as before.
How can I prepare?
Researchers can help make the transition easier by:
- using the most recent IRB forms for any new protocol submissions prior to the transition,
- notifying of any approved protocols that are completed so that they can be “closed” prior to the transition,
- keeping an eye out for future updates about this transition,
- sharing this website with colleagues, and
- attending optional iRIS orientation workshops offered by OR&I (once available).