I want to report an incident of harassment or discrimination to the Office for Institutional Equity.

Action Item

File a report with the Office for Institutional Equity (OIE)

This will be a non-confidential report.

This report will trigger action.

Please use the OIE report form.

See options for filing a report and remaining confidential/ anonymous.

Please navigate here to explore options for:

  • Sexual harassment or discrimination
  • Gender-based harassment or discrimination
  • Race-based harassment or discrimination
  • Other forms of harassment or discrimination

What happens when OIE receives a report?

OIE receives reports through online reporting, from responsible employees, and referrals.

  • Intake staff from OIE contacts the negatively impacted party.              
    • OIE will provide information about confidential resources and supportive measures (e.g., no-contact orders, change in schedule, etc). If the situation involves matters outside of OIE’s scope, OIE will refer the impacted party to another resource, such as Human Resources or the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance among others.
  • Intake staff discusses the goals of the negatively impacted party (e.g., investigation, alternative resolution, support only)
    • Depending on nature of report, a referral to one of the following campus partners may also occur at this point:
  • If informal resolution is requested and appropriate, OIE will facilitate informal resolution process
  • If an investigation is requested and appropriate:
    • Both parties receive written notice of the allegations and process
    • OIE investigator interviews parties and witnesses
    • OIE investigator gathers other information   
    • Parties have access to review investigation report
    • OIE investigator makes determination of whether policy was violated. (If student is involved, the determination is made by hearing officer.)

See details on how OIE handles a report

This guide was adapted from material created by Duke PhD Kirsten Overdahl for the Graduate School. If you have questions about this guide, please email Molly Starback, Director of Duke Postdoctoral Services, at molly.starback@duke.edu