Please see the list below for common inquiries received by the Duke Office for Research & Innovation and the corresponding contact information.

Inquiry Associated Office Contact Information 
For questions or concerns about the University’s research mission and operations Office for Research & Innovation  
For communications related to award funding, progress reports, or other research administration-related inquires  

Schools of Medicine and Nursing: Office of Research Administration (ORA) 

All other Schools: Office of Research Support (ORS) 

Schools of Medicine and Nursing: 

All other Schools: 

For inquiries relating to human participant research and/or the operations of the Institutional Review Board 

Campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) 

DUHS Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Campus IRB:

Duke University Health System (DUHS) IRB

For inquiries regarding debarment checks and research-related importing and exporting 

Office of Export Controls (OEC)           
For inquiries relating to research administration training, continuing education credit or financial reports Office of Education for Research Administration and Finance (OERAF)
For inquiries relating to postdoctoral scholars and associates Office of Postdoctoral Services (OPS)
For assistance with identifying relevant resources, collaborators, processes, and best practices for performing research at Duke Duke Office of Research Initiatives 
For inquiries relating to research project management support and research-related seminars and workshops Duke Office of Research Initiatives
For inquiries regarding RCR training, Conflict of Interest, research misconduct, or other scientific integrity-related issues Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
To report a concern if you witness or are asked to participate in actions that are not consistent with Duke’s values Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance (OARC) 

Speak Up reporting form 

Or call 1-800-826-8109