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Grantwriting and Scientific Writing & Communication Resources

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Grantwriting Resources

  •  Interested in finding funding? The Duke Office of Research Initiatives helps members of the Duke research community find grants, fellowships and other funding opportunities and collaborations. Through the Duke Office of Research Initiatives, postdocs can access funding search tools including COS PIVOT. PIVOT maintains a database of grants, fellowships, and other funding information from public and private, domestic and international sources. This service offers a wealth of information on biomedical and hard sciences, as well as social sciences, humanities & community outreach funding. This tool can help you make connections within Duke with its database of our faculty and postdocs.Creating a PIVOT COS email alert is an invaluable tool for researchers investigating funding options. Please note: You must use your Duke email address when creating your COS PIVOT account. ORS also provides help with other funding search tools, including Foundation Directory Online and internal funding opportunities. To search funding by discipline, eligibility (ie postdoc) and more:

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Scientific Writing & Communication Resources

  • The Science of Scientific Writing by noted Duke professor George Gopen
  • Scientific Writing Resources by the Duke Medical Center Library and Archives
  • Science Communication Resources from the Duke Graduate School
  • Resources for Science Communication Self-Education from NC State University Leadership in Public Science
  • Scientific Writing Resources compiled by Duquesne University
  • Resources from the National Association of Science Writers
  • Wiley Researcher Academy is a free, modular, self-paced online learning program for early career researchers who wish to develop their expertise and understanding of the scientific publishing process. It consists of 14 interactive learning paths that individuals can complete at their own pace. Topics include:
    • Funding the research project
    • Selecting an appropriate journal
    • Best practices in writing scientific articles
    • Post publication activities and driving visibility
    • Becoming a peer reviewer
  • Writing Pedagogy Opportunities for Postdocs: Postdocs across the disciplines are often tasked with assigning, responding to, or grading student writing. And because undergraduate institutions usually include the development of writing skills as a key goal of their undergraduate programs, new faculty are increasingly being expected to help students develop these skills. Because training in writing pedagogy is beneficial on the competitive academic job market, it is useful to have a way to document such training and to be able to speak effectively about one’s experience with and interest in student writing. The Thompson Writing Program Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching Writing in the Disciplines provides a framework for acquiring basic knowledge of writing pedagogy and demonstrating that knowledge in job applications and during interviews. To allow participants to obtain the certificate in the way that best meets their needs and schedules, core workshops are offered at least once annually. While it will be possible to meet the certificate requirements in a single year, most students will complete the requirements over a two- or three-year period.
  • Free Online Courses through Coursera for DukeCoursera for Duke gives Duke students, staff, and faculty free access to 54 Duke-created Coursera courses and 3 specialization certificates. These co-curricular digital courses include Programming Fundamentals, English Composition, Statistics, Big Data, Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Advertising and Society, Challenges of Global Health, Nanotechnology, and many more.  The Duke community can enroll at any time and learn at their own pace, with no grade, and no additional academic pressure.
  • Resources on Text Recycling (AKA "Self-Plagiarism") in Research Writing from a multi-institution, NSF-funded initiative investigating text recycling in STEM research led by Cary Moskovitz, PhD (Lead PI), Professor of the Practice and Director of Writing in the Disciplines, Duke University

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Office of Postdoctoral Services - Resources