In addition to the offices that directly report to the Office for Research & Innovation, the following offices also support research at Duke:
Duke Animal Care and Use Program (DACUP)
Duke Health Institutional Review Board (DUHS IRB)
Duke Office of Audit Risk and Compliance (OARC)
Duke Office of Clinical Research (DOCR)
Occupational and Environmental Safety Office (OESO)
Office of Academic Solutions and Information Systems (OASIS)
Office of Education for Research Administration and Finance (OERAF)
Office of Foundation Relations (OFR)
Office of Foundation Relations and Strategic Partnerships at Duke Health
Office of Physician-Scientist Development (OPSD)
Office of Post Award Administration (OPAA)
Office of Regulatory Affairs and Quality (ORAQ)
Office of Research Administration (ORA)
Office of Research Contracts (ORC)
Office of Research Development (ORD)
Research Computing