The "Duke Research Insider" is a curated bi-weekly digest for the Duke research community to stay up-to-date on the latest systems, sponsor, administrative, and operational updates, along with relevant events from the Office for Research & Innovation and associated offices.

Duke Research Insider Digest Audiences

The Duke Research Insider is disseminated to two separate audiences and tailored to those audiences' specific needs and interests.

Research Administrator insider

This listserv is automated through SAP and SPS statuses, and includes all individuals listed as GM1, GM2, or pre-award liaisons (PAL). Additionally, all staff in RACI-classified or related positions and relevant research support offices are included on the listserv. 

Faculty/research staff insider

This listserv includes all faculty and staff engaged in research defined by being required to complete the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training

Repository of Research Insider Updates

All updates disseminated through the Duke Research Insider can also be found on myRESEARCHpath. This repository of updates allows you to select filters to refine the updates displayed to only those that are applicable to your role(s) and research portfolio.
